What is Halotherapy?

Halotherapy, also known as dry Salt Therapy is a holistic approach that mimics the microclimate of a salt cave. Dry salt air is dispersed into an enclosed environment (room, bed, booth, cabin) by a Halogenerator. Salt absorbs and removes the allergens, toxins and foreign substances in your lungs and sinuses. Salt also reduces any inflammation and opens airway passages making easier to breath. Halotherapy, is a holistic, drug free, natural therapy to promote better breathing, healthier skin, sounder sleep, improved physical fitness and endurance and overall wellness.

Is there research to support Halotherapy?

Yes. Halotherapy is backed by 50 years of science. Most research has been done in Europe where the treatment originated. Halotherapy has been well researched in Russia and Eastern Europe. Most of the research has been conducted by Dr. A. V. Chervinskaya, the Head of Clinical Research Respiratory Center in St. Petersburg, Russia. She works in the field of pulmonology and rehabilitation medicine and has published more than two hundred articles on this topic.

Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article on the efficacy of saline salt therapy in cystic fibrosis. They found that long term saline salt treatment had a positive impact on lung function and reduced pulmonary exacerbations. In addition, they found no negative side effects associated with the therapy. Please see our research articles for more information.

How does Halotherapy work?

Pure pharmaceutical grade salt is heated and ground into tiny micro particles by a halogenerator and then dispersed into a room, bed, booth or cabin. While relaxing customers, simply breath. The salt opens the airways, reduces inflammation in the lungs and sinuses and loosens the mucus.

Salt has the following properties:
● Antibacterial
● Anti-fungal
● Anti-inflammatory
● Mucolytic effects: loosens excessive mucus and speeds up mucociliary transport
● Removes pathogen agents (airborne pollen)
● Reduces IgE level (immune system oversensitivity)

Negative ions counterbalance the many positive ions we pick up from electronic devices neutralising the atmosphere stabilises mood, decreases stress and prepares the body for ultimate healing.

What are the conditions that Halotherapy treats?

Halotherapy is a complete detox of your lungs and skin.

Lung Conditions:
● Allergies
● Asthma
● Bronchitis
● Bronchial Infections
● Chronic Bronchitis
● Chronic Sinusitis
● Sleep Apnea
● Snoring
● Wheezing
● Ear Infections
● Laryngitis (Pharyngitis,)
● Sore Throat, and Tonsillitis
● Cystic Fibrosis
● Hay Fever
● Emphysema
● Pneumonia
● Rhinitis
● Sinus Inflammation/infection
● Sinusitis
● Smoker’s Cough

Skin Conditions:
● Rosacea
● Eczema
● Psoriasis
● Aging Skin
● Acne
● Dermatitis
● Dry, itchy, Flaky Skin
● Skin Inflammation

Respiratory- how does Halotherapy help?
  • Anti-Microbial and Anti Bacterial
  • Helps to draw the impurities out of the air-way, both upper and lower
  • Stimulates the bodies internal processes for cleansing & removing build-up of foreign particles
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Opens bronchial tubes in lungs, reduces inflammation in the sinuses
  • Strengthens respiratory function
  • Breaks up and clears moisture & mucus
  • Heat from the IR reduces congestion in the lungs and allows for deeper penetration and improves ventilation
Athletes- how does Halotherapy help?
  • Enhances Athletic Performance
  • Research suggest 1 in 3 athletes experience EIB/EIA
  • Expands the airway for increased lung-function
  • Increases oxygen saturation and exchange
  • Helps with muscle endurance and recovery
  • Strengthens abdominal wall muscles for increased lung capacity & oxygenation
  • Muscle Pain Relief
  • Ease Joint Pain & Stiffness
Skin- how does Halotherapy help?
  • Naturally triggers skin microcirculation & membrane activity
  • Enhances skins protective and reparative properties
  • Kills contaminants/infections on skin~anti-microbial
  • Helps with inflammation of the skin~anti-inflammatory
  • 1 in 4 in US have Skin Condition (27% of US population)
  • Auto-immune deficiency triggered by stress
When should Halotherapy be avoided?

As Halotherapy is known as a safe and natural treatment, clients who have any serious health conditions or women who are pregnant should always consult their doctor first.

Halotherapy is not recommended for people who have the following conditions:
● Infections associated with a fever
● Contagious diseases
● Some forms of Cancer (please consult your doctor)
● Tuberculosis
● Cardiac disease patients
● Acute respiratory disease
● Severe hypertension
● Intoxication

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are minimal and transient. Some folks may experience a tickle in their throat or sinuses, some sinus drainage as the mucus breaks up. Others may experience minor skin irritation, or skin that tingles/itches as circulation is brought to the surface. For those who experience a slight cough, this is a sign that the salt therapy is effectively moving the impurities through the cilia.

Some patients with hypersensitive skin may experience mild skin irritation. Some Patients experience a mild tickle in the throat, which will be alleviated. If a patient has an excess of mucus in the upper airway, it may break up and drain following a treatment.

How safe is Halotherapy?

Halotherapy is 100% natural, safe and drug-free. It provides effective long-term relief for various respiratory and skin conditions. It can be used as complementary or augment therapy to pharmaceuticals as a means to help maintain and control disease. It can be used alone for stress reduction and improvement of conditions.

Should I stop using traditional medications during Halotherapy sessions?

No. Halotherapy is complementary treatment with the goal of decreasing and controlling respiratory and skin conditions. It has an additive effect and should be used as adjunct therapy to what your doctor has prescribed. As always, consult with a doctor if you have any concerns about a condition where you are under a physician’s care.

Is Halotherapy safe for children?

Yes. Halotherapy is a completely drug-free treatment for children of all ages. European clinical research suggests that dry salt aerosol therapy has a higher degree of efficacy in children. The effectiveness of Halotherapy is directly observable and highly recommended for pediatric respiratory and skin conditions. Depending on the age and treatment goals, session times and concentration levels may be adjusted. Please consult your pediatrician.

What kind of salt is used for Halotherapy?

Pure pharmaceutical grade salt (99.99% pure sodium chloride). It contains no added minerals or other potential contaminants or fillers. It comes from a natural source but naturally processed to remove all of its impure elements. It is the same salt that hospitals in Eastern Europe use in their salt rooms as well as the same salt used in
Halotherapy research.

We do not recommend Himalayan or sea salt as it is not stripped of all the impurities. There could be dirt, clay or some type of debris that could be harmful to the lungs. Himalayan salt can be healthy for the digestive system but not for the respiratory system.

How many sessions/times a week are necessary?

Frequency of therapy depends on the type and severity of your condition as well as your wellness goals.

For respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, sinusitis, or allergies it is best to “front load” by coming in 2-3 times a week for the first 7-10 days to saturate the airway, then back down to once or twice a week to find what maintenance looks like for you.

For a client with a more severely compromised respiratory tract/condition, he/she will want to start Halotherapy at a lower concentration over a longer session time.

Most skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and dry itchy skin may require a higher concentration and more frequent visits. Chronic conditions require sustained use over time for best results.

We will be able to discuss a recommended treatment plan during our free consultation as per the World Halotherapy Association (WHA) treatment protocol and adjusting to the appropriate settings of the halognerator to tailor to the condition of the client.

What is the treatment duration per session?

At the Salt Therapy Clinic & Sanctuary, each of our salt therapy treatment sessions is 40-50 minutes.

However, during your first visit here with us, please allow for 1.5 hrs to 1h 45 mins as your appointment includes a FREE thorough health consultation. You will be required to fill in a health form and the consultation will allow you to ask any questions and discuss any exisiting conditions or wellness goals that you may like to achieve through Halotherapy.

What results can clients expect?

Results vary with different clients based on their pre-existing health conditions.

Many clients who have asthma, allergies and other bronchial issues have seen some amazing results in a short period of time. Breathing becomes deeper, sinus passages are less inflamed and start to drain and skin conditions are improved dramatically with frequent and sustained use. This in turn, results in a better quality of life.

We are not making medical claims about Halotherapy but after receiving treatments, people report respiratory issues and lung function have vastly improved.

In addition, for those who have severe skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema or acne have also had incredible improvements in the health of their skin.

Are health improvements noticeable?

With Halotherapy, a compromised bronchia is improved as inflammation and mucus levels are restored or eliminated. Breathing becomes easier and the quality and function of breathing improves.

Halotherapy facilitates the normalisation of other bodily systems and fortifies the immune system. Clients report not needing their rescue inhaler as often and the need for higher doses of pharmaceuticals is reduces.

Additionally, clients report sleeping better and the duration severity of allergy symptoms, colds and flu is lessened.

Many will notice the benefits of Halotherapy after even one treatment, however, as with any chronic condition, frequent and sustained use may be necessary for maximum benefit.

What will I experience when I sit in the salt room?

At the Salt Therapy Clinic & Sanctuary, our salt room is designed so that you can relax in a soothing and tranquil environment. We have created a “Good Vibes Only” no mobile phone zone where you can now take 40-50 minutes of your hectic day to yourself to truly breathe, heal and relax , giving not only your respiratory system a good detox but also your other senses a temporary respite from social media to deepen your relaxation.

You can sit back and experience the Halotherapy treatment in a very peaceful and stress-free setting. Feel free to read, listen to music or nap. Our salt room floors are filled with salt. We have built-in speakers playing soft, relaxing meditation music in the background, as well as adult colouring books, other inspirational books for reading, sand art tools (in this case to play with the salt that fills the floor of the room!) and children’s toys to create a positive experience for everyone.

Additionally, the room’s temperature, humidity, pressure and salt particles concentration are maintained. The lighting is dim. You may close your eyes to meditate or just relax. During the 45-minutes session, you may start to taste a bit of salt on your lips, which is normal.

Will I see, smell or taste anything during a treatment?

Halotherapy is a relaxing, peaceful and rejuvenating experience. While being in the salt room, you are breathing the finely milled salt particles into your respiratory system and particles settle, which are absorbed by the skin.

You will not see or smell the salt, (if you see the salt in the air, the particles may be too large to reach the small airways). You should, however, start to taste the salt on your lips and see it start to collect on the inside of the room.

What do I wear during a session?

At the Salt Therapy Clinic & Sanctuary, you will be required to wear white or light coloured socks into the salt room for treatment. No shoes are allowed in the salt room and a pair of feet cover will be provided to you prior to entering the salt room. *If you have not brought your own socks, you will be required to purchase a pair of white socks from us at $8/pair.

Wear comfortable clothing (most people just wear street clothes). The salt air will not harm your clothing, nor leave a noticeable residue.

If you are doing Halotherapy for skin conditions, we recommend that you wear shorts and T shirt, to expose as much of the affected area as possible. If you are suffering from severe skin problems, you may want to wear your swimmers and consider booking a private session for yourself. A bath robe will be provided for you during a session when you change into your swimmers.

Why is relative humidity important in the Salt Cave?

The humidity in the room is between 40-55%. If the air is too humid, the efficacy of the therapy diminishes as the micro particles of salt may not reach the distil airways.

Can I have a massage or other wellness session in the Salt Room?

Yes. Massage, yoga, facials, meditation and other Holistic modalities complement Halotherapy nicely. Halotherapy purifies the air and allows for stress reduction and deeper breathing.

As part of a wellness collective at MMM Wellness, we offer a full range of other services to complement your general relaxation and well-being. Our Salt room does not have the required space to have a massage bed in there.

In addition, you may combine your salt therapy treatment with a relaxing massage, a raindrop technique massage or micro-current facial with our range of Holistic Therapies that are offered on premise to deepen your relaxation or decrease your sports recovery downtime respectively. MMM Wellness also offers yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong classes to complement your wellness and keep your Chi flowing.

We are also looking to introduce a breathwork and/or meditation class to be held within the salt room to assist with your respiratory health and well-being so watch this space for the latest update!

Are there germs in the salt room/equipment?

Salt is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. The salt room is filled with microscopic salt, which creates a virtually sterile environment. In addition, after each session, our state-of-the-art halogenerators will vent out the air. Surfaces such as chairs and headrests are disinfected and wiped down after each session.

How sterile is the microclimate in the salt room?

The microclimate is 3 times cleaner in the Halotherapy room than in a sterile surgery room in a hospital. Therefore, it is almost impossible to catch an infection during the session. A stable hypo-allergenic, hypo-bacterial environment is maintained in the therapeutic room.

Why do you have salt lining the walls and on the floor in the room?

The salt on the walls and the floor is applied not only to be aesthetically pleasing but also to keep the room sterile. The halogenerator will disburse pharmaceutical dry salt aerosol for a curative microclimate and to provide treatment.

Are mobile phones, laptops, headphones and electronic devices allowed in the salt room?

No. At The Salt Therapy Clinic & Sanctuary, we take electrosmog very seriously. Our salt room is a good vibe only, clean and pure vibrational energy space for our clients to take a respite from screen time and to heal energetically.

In addition, salt can ruin your electronic devices and we do not take full responsibility for any damage to your electronic belongings.

If you would like to play your own guided meditation or relaxing meditation music or healing binaural beats (no loud music), we are able to plug in your MP4 player or phone to our speaker, as long as your device has a 35mm headphone jack and it will play through the speaker in the salt room. Please make sure it is already downloaded onto your devices as internet reception can be patchy in the salt room.

Ready to give Salt Therapy a try now?

FAQ Source Credit: World Halotherapy Association (WHA) and Halotherapy Solutions

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